Who Am I

Hi I’m Quan Luo (罗铨) and welcome to my personal blog. Here are my main features😝

  • 📚 SJTU -> UCSD
  • 🤔 Mathematics / Robotics / Coding
  • 🎸 Guitar / Violin / Anime / Literature
  • 🧗🏻‍♀️ Hiking / Climbing / General Outdoor Activity

How Comes the Blog

Back in my high school years, I was in the literature club of our school. During my undergrad years, I won the third-class award of a Hint Fiction Competition in SJTU and started to write more original fictions. Though I do not like to publish my fiction mostly, there’s some of them I do want to show (off, maybe).

Fragment Hint Fiction Competition

As a hiker (I was the vice president of our outdoor club), U.S. is one of the best places to explore in the world. After coming to UC San Diego, I started to go out for hiking & camping. Back in China, I wrote strategy for each trail that I’ve been to SJTU outdoor forum. Here I still want to record my personal view of each national parks / trails.

SJTU OutDoor Club

The time has come to my first internship in the US. One day while I’m working on a tough problem about C++ concurrency, I found an amazing blog that resolved my question so well that I wanted to translate it into Chinese and shared it with more people. However I gave up after failing to find somewhere proper to write the article.

Well that’s briefly why the blog is here, whose name Μνημοσύνη follows the goddess in charge of memory in the Greek Mythology. Hopefully it will become my memory goddess and always keep my joys and sorrows.

Now the blog is here and there’s no excuse for me to be lazy. Let’s get hands dirty, keep thinking & keep writing.